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The Spirit of the Lotus thanks you for taking the time to discover who we are, and how we can help. We welcome all people.  It does not matter what your religious background, ethnicity, and/or life's circumstance is. We believe there is unity in diversity. We believe God’s Love is the key to all of life’s unsolved problems. By joining us for church services, sharing and experiencing our classes, workshops, and retreats, we sincerely believe that it will impact your life in a most positive way.


Blessings of Love & Light!


Humanity is returning to multidimensional awareness and Christ Consciousness as we welcome 2024. We are now awakening from a deep sleep. The Prince of Peace is placing a kiss upon the lips of the Divine Feminine, awakening her power in each one of us. The polarity/duality in the 3rd dimension is dropping its sword of judgment, conclusions, assumptions, opinions, divisiveness, prejudice, etc., freeing humanity from the illusionary shackles of time. The reality of the higher dimensions is taking over.

The Holy Spirit is breathing into our Sacred Heart, now animating every cell of our being. With every outbreath, our hearts open and radiate Mother/Father God’s Love and Blessings to all that exists . . . seen and unseen. The Power of God Source sits on its throne, and with a wave of its hand, brings perfect balance of Love, Truth, and Wisdom. This perfect balance of red, blue, and gold creates a Transmutation Flame encircled with Golden Light . . . whirling and twirling turning the darkness into Light while unveiling the mysteries of the Universe.

The path we are choosing is not an easy one. However, know that the higher vibrations that we hold are influencing every life form on this planet . . . and beyond. 2024 is a karma balancing year and our ability to hold the higher frequencies is paramount. Know that our emotions and thoughts affect not only ourselves, but others as well. Humanity is becoming more self-aware and taking self-responsibility. On a cellular level, our senses are opening to higher dimensional realities where records of our past lives are held. These dimensions hold all our innate psychic abilities, gifts, and powers. Love is the key that opens this doorway to higher multidimensions where Christ Consciousness stands.

In 2024, the doorway to Christ Consciousness is opening, flooding us with energies that help us unfold the magic that was hidden for eons of time. Step through the Doorway into Light and experience your heart flame blazing. It is your guide to Self-Realization. The inner journey that humanity is experiencing is like no other. God Source Energy is on the other side of the multidimensional Doorway beckoning us to go through to meet beings in the higher realms that radiate Truth, Wisdom, and Love. All is happening in the Now. There is no turning back. As we open our hearts in Love and Prayer, we radiate and receive true Love from our divine Mother/Father God. Source of All Sources . . . The One Without a Second.

Spirit of the Lotus is very grateful for all of you and your support. May 2024 bring you much
Love, Joy, Prosperity, and great Health!



PO Box 881, Belen, NM, 87002

(505) 859-3430

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©2020 by Spirit of the Lotus Church and School of Wisdom. 

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